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We are Organic, ISO 22000, Halal and FDA Certified Company and we are dealing in high quality products.
We have 4 categories of Basmati Rice
1. Long Grain White PK-385 Basmati Rice 2% Broken
100% Color Sortex, Double Polished and well cleaned AGL: 6.5mm
2. Extra Long Grain White Super Kernel Basmati Rice (Premium Quality) 2% Broken
100% Color Sortex, Silky Polished and well cleaned AGL: 7mm
3. Extra Long Grain White Super Kernel Basmati Rice (Elite Quality) 2% Broken
100% Color Sortex, Silky Polished and well cleaned AGL: 7mm
4. Extra Long Grain Super Kernel Basmati Rice (Parboiled) (Sella) 2% Broken
100% Color Sortex, Double Polished and well cleaned AGL: 7mm
We can pack rice on your own brands and its clean good quality without any other foreign objects in Rice
If you have any enquiries regarding given product above then do not hesitate to contact us.
If you have any interest in importing above-mentioned Basmati Rice then please do let us know.

Instead, we naturally enrich it through crop rotation and feeding the soil with only organic fertilizers. This way, it becomes more fertile, resistant to weeds and erosion, so that we can proudly leave it to future generations.
Also Fresh Western Floral Greens Salal, Beargrass, Huck
Also Dried Cascara Sagrada (Frangula Purhiana)
Large Volumes of most items
Ship by Air and Sea

2, Organic plant protein.
3, Organic fruit & vegetable powder.
4, Organic prebiotics.
5, Organic nuts.
we have very
Medicinal herbs are plentiful and Fragrant
We can provide packing according to your requirement including vacuum packing.
We can put your own label on the products.
We would be grateful to you if an opportunity is given to us to render you our service.
We thank you and look forward to hearing from you promptly.
Kind regards,
We thank you and look forward to hearing from you promptly.
Kind regards,
Mahess Boodhoo
Skype ID: mahessb13
Mobile No: +230 58609060
Whatsapp/ Viber: +230 58609060
Rep. of Mauritius

The company was founded in 1939 and though the decades it specialized in organic cosmetics and household cleaning products, expanding its activity and acquiring different historic brands, already present in the organic market.
Pierpaoli acquired various certificates, which testimony its dedication to pursue a low-impact eco-friendly production respecting both the environment and the people:
? ICEA, Environmental and Ethical Certification Institute
? AIAB, Italian Association for Organic Agriculture
Furthermore, the company joined the standards:
? Stop Animal Testing
? VEGAN – The Vegan Society, UK
Pierpaoli shares its experience and know-how with other subjects though private label cooperation projects, developing customized productions in its R&D laboratories, supporting the packaging process and the fulfilment of legal regulations.
The company’s production is divided in three main macro-areas thought to combine every-day life needs and eco-friendly requirements: personal care, baby care and household cleaning.
? ANTHYLLIS, a complete line for every-day personal and skin care. These products contain Red Grape skins’ elements with a high level of biophenols.
? ANTHILLIS SUN CREAMS, the absence of chemical filters ensures products’ safety and makes them suitable for delicate skins.
? ECOSÌ PERSONA, a line of delicate products perfect for sensible skins. The products incorporate Barley Stalk’s Organic Water, which ensures high tenderness.
? EKOS PERSONAL CARE, dermatologically tested products, which contains a minimum of 96,8% of natural ingredients and a minimum of 10% of organic ingredients.
? NATURA BELLA, a new line for adults and babies, characterized by the presence of organic olive oil surfactants and extracts of Aloe Vera, Linen seeds, Sage and Olive Leafs.
? NEBIOLINA, everyday personal care products containing Organic Oat, known for its hydrating and lenitive proprieties. Perfumed with ‘cookie’ scent and allergens free.
? ECOSÌ BABY, this new line takes care of babies’ skin, avoiding irritating ingredients as synthetic perfumes and preservatives.
? PIERPAOLI SENSÈ, a complete line of delicate products thought to ensure protection thanks to Organic Olive Oil elements.
? BABY ANTHILLIS, a range of products for baby care: skin care and cleaning products for clothes, dishes, surfaces and other objects.
? NATURA BELLA BABY, organic-certified products containing Olive Oil and Oat elements, to ensure cleaning and protection.
? NEBIOLINA BABY, everyday baby care products containing Organic Oat, perfumed with ‘cookie’ scent and allergens free.
? ECOSÌ, non-irritating products with cleaning capability comparable with traditional non-organic market leaders.
? FOLIA, this line is the result of the combination of maximum efficacy, low environmental impact and dermatological safety.
? EKOS, a large selection of products, thought to ensure great effectiveness and dermatological safety.
? VERDE OFFICINA, a new line that respects the environment and the people, scented just with essential oils.

Joe & Co. was set up by managers who have always been present in the world of the production of extra virgin olive oils and seed oils cold-pressed. The passion for the organic world and for cold pressed oils leads the company to become the landmark in the organic oil market. This helped to conquer valuable customers in Italy and abroad within the first years of activity. The core business is focused on the distribution of their brands, the trademark present in more than 24 countries in the world with steady growth, that exceeds more than 50% of turnover.
Joe & Co. implements an integrated management concept whereby the traceability of our products is guaranteed starting from the olive groves. The traceability continues through all the stages of production and processing, including pressing, filtering, storage and subsequent packaging in bottles. The safety of our organic oils relies on the gas-chromatography, that analyzes the content of a sample of every batch by measuring and therefore assuring the absence of pesticides. Analysis of each batch is carried out by the multi residual, SINAL accredited laboratory. Organic certification of BIOAGRICERT IFOAM accredited.
The Company is also certificated IFS, KOSHER, OFDC (Chinese organic certification). The company mainly produces their own brands but it also produces in private label for leading companies in the organic field, Italian and European supermarket chains.
• Extra-Virgin Olive Oil – Origin Italy
• Extra-Virgin Olive Oil – Origin Greek
• Extra-Virgin Olive Oil – Origin Spain
• Extra-Virgin Olive Oil – Origin Tunisia
• Extra Virgin Olive Oil infused with Chili Pepper – Origin Italy
• Extra Virgin Olive Oil infused with Lemon – Origin Italy
• Sunflower Seed Oil (cold pressed/ deodorised)
• Corn Oil (deodorised)
• WOK "Frying Oil" (H.O. Sunflower deodorised & Sesame oil)
• Canola Oil (cold pressed)
• Flaxseed Oil (cold pressed/ Flax crude oil naturally infused with orange/ Flax crude oil naturally infused with lemon)
• Omega 3+6 Oil (Flax crude oil & sunflower crude oil)
• Hemp Seed Oil (cold pressed)
• Argan Oil (cold pressed)
• Pumpkin Seed Oil (cold pressed)
• Camelina Seed Oil (cold pressed)
• Safflower Seed Oil (cold pressed)
• Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (cold pressed)
• Olio di Vinacciolo - Grapeseed Oil * Non Organic
• Olio di Riso - Rice Oil * Non Organic
• Shoyu & Tamari Soy Sauce
• Balsamic Vinegar & White Wine Vinegar
• Organic Lemon juice dressings
El componente principal del aceite de moringa, son los ésteres triglicéridos de ácido oleico. Aparte de aceite de moringa, también se pueden encontrar en las semillas de uva, aceite de canola y aceite de oliva.
Efectos positivos del ácido oleico en el cuerpo humano
El ácido oleico es un ácido graso insaturado se encuentra predominantemente en los productos vegetales y tiene la capacidad de disminuir la presión sanguínea y el nivel de colesterol en el cuerpo. Son muchos los beneficios del ácido oleíco, algunos de los cuales se enumeran de la siguiente manera:
1. El ácido oleico es un ácido graso insaturado cuyas moléculas son más grandes y tienen una tendencia a deslizarse unas sobre otras sin unión con otras moléculas, asegurando así el flujo libre en la sangre sin formar placas que bloqueen las arterias.
2. Este triglicérido es una de las fuentes de colesterol bueno, ya que ayuda a reducir el nivel total de colesterol “malo” en el cuerpo. También reduce los niveles de lipoproteínas de baja densidad (LDL) o colesterol malo y aumenta los niveles de lipoproteína de alta densidad (HDL) o colesterol bueno, que se requiere para la salud general del individuo.
3. Es rico en antioxidantes que ayudan en la lucha contra los efectos de los radicales libres en el cuerpo. También estimula el sistema inmunológico, así como combate las enfermedades para poder mantenernos saludables
4. Fortalece la integridad de la membrana celular y ayuda en la reparación de las células y los tejidos dañados.
5. Se aumenta la potencia de memoria y optimiza las funciones del cerebro y la transmisión neurológica.
6. El ácido oleico es un ingrediente importante en los medicamentos utilizados para obstruir el avance de la adrenoleucodistrofia (ALD), que es una enfermedad mortal que afecta las glándulas del cerebro y las glándulas suprarrenales.
7. Mejora el funcionamiento del corazón y sistema circulatorio.
8. El ácido oleico también inhibe el crecimiento de las células cancerosas reduciendo así el riesgo de padecer la enfermedad, especialmente cáncer de mama. Bloquea la acción de HER-2/neu, un oncogén que causa cáncer el cual se encuentra en alrededor del 30% de los pacientes con cáncer de mama.
9. Reduce la inflamación de las articulaciones y otras complicaciones relacionadas con la artritis.
10. Este ácido graso esencial actúa como un refuerzo de energía para las diferentes funciones del cuerpo.
11. Los ácidos grasos mono-insaturados ayudan a perder peso.
12. También ayuda a disminuir los síntomas del asma.
13. Reduce la obstrucción y endurecimiento de las arterias, también conocido como arterioesclerosis.
14. Reduce la resistencia de la insulina lo que mejora la glucosa (azúcar en la sangre) de mantenimiento.
15. Baja el nivel de colesterol en el cuerpo reduciendo así el riesgo de enfermedades cardiovasculares como derrame cerebral, presión arterial alta, angina de pecho (dolor en el pecho) y la insuficiencia cardiaca.
16. Como ingrediente en los productos cosméticos que actúa como una crema hidratante y proporciona a la piel suave y flexible que se ilumina con la salud.
17. La aplicación de aceite de moringa en el cabello hace que crezca más grueso y más fuerte, por lo que está empezando a ser utilizado en la industria cosmética